How can four years have passed so quickly?

John here.  I just renewed my passport for the second time.  I got my first passport to come down to Honduras on a medical mission for the Diocese of Mississippi.  In case you are not aware, that means I have been coming here for twenty years.  I have been in love with the people of Honduras from the beginning.  I never imagined then that I would be living here now.

Four years ago, my dedicated group of ladies and gentlemen and a grant from the United Thank Offering made it possible for me to move to the island of Roatan to start another microindustry.  They sent me down with a kiln, tools, glass, and a lot of faith.  The priests at Emmanuel Episcopal, Nelson and Kara Mejia, provided the people, a place to work, and translation to get us going.  Father Browning, a retired priest from New Jersey, provided me with a place to live while I was settling in, showed me around the island, and introduced me to the expat community. Of course, I am grateful also for Mindi and Ella, who showed up down here at the perfect time to complete not only our mission team, but my family as well!

That first microindustry on the island has grown into what is now known as Roatan Glass Art with six supporting members.  The ladies of RGA have grown in both art and business.  Three of the ladies are attending the local university and taking English classes three times a week.  They are also running and managing our store that hosts ten microindustries.  They are truly amazing women for whom I am grateful every day. To watch them grow and flourish as they are coming to understand their worth as a children of God and the dignity of a good day’s work is beyond humbling to me.

Our other micro industries are growing every day as well! We were able to get a large glass kiln crated and shipped from Mississippi, and are working on refurbishing it now. We are all excited about the new opportunities we will have to make bigger pieces and to fire more pieces at once with this “new” kiln.  Tourism has also picked up again as we enter our busy season, and we are grateful for every customer who comes into our store to hear the stories and see the products made by our teams with such love and care!

We have set up some exciting meetings both in Honduras and back in the US over the next couple of months. We humbly ask for your prayers over these meetings, as we are working on some partnerships and expansion opportunities that have, until now, been the stuff of dreams for us. We hope to have some exciting announcements from this soon!  We appreciate your prayers and love so very much. Wishing God’s greatest blessings on you all as we enter this Advent season.

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